This was overall a celebratory week at DAPCPA, although there was a brief war over W-2 envelopes mid-way through the week. On Monday, I updated ProSystem fx Tax on my computer. Then, Istarted printing off 7004’s and accompanying letters to the IRS for business tax extensions. The tax software was slow when searching for client names but quick at calculating and printing the forms, making it somewhat of a “hurry up and wait” task.
Tuesday was Jonath’s birthday, so there were some great decorations in his office to celebrate the occasion. That day, I finished printing the 7004’s and worked on cleaning up the Master spreadsheet some more. First I looked through for any typos or weird entries, and then I finished up the notes regarding businesses and individuals that have associated entities.
On Wednesday, I started color coding the rest of the spreadsheet to indicate when a business had any associated entities for which we do taxes (i.e. individuals or other businesses owned by the same person). Next I scanned various files into their binders in Engagement. While I was scanning and filing, an intense war erupted over a shortage of W-2 envelopes. Everyone wanted them and no one could find them. Some accusations of hoarding envelopes were exchanged. In the end, everyone found out that there were more actually more envelopes and they had all just missed seeing the box. I love envelopes as much as the next person, but who knew that envelopes were such a hot commodity?
When I finished scanning, I added filing deadlines into the master spreadsheet and color coded fiduciaries based on which type of return they file. Lastly, I started working on a Tips & Tricks guide for Rachael documenting the various things I did in Excel to make things easier and smoother for next year.Partway through, I helped look for updated addresses for the client’s whose organizers came back with “Unable to forward, Return to sender” stickers. We were unsuccessful, but hopefully those clients will call or come in to get their organizers.
On Thursday, we had two birthdays in the office so the week’s celebrations continued. I helped out with various tasks around the office throughout the day; including: stuffing W-2 envelopes, putting together letters for businesses with fiscal year end dates, and updating contact information in the spreadsheet. When I had a brief period without a project, I went to the IRS website and just read through various pages and documents. Later, I helped print out some new letters for entities with changed addresses.
Well, there’s another week at DAPCPA coming to a close, see you next week!